Tooth extractions may sound scary, but you should think of them as giving your mouth a fresh start. An extraction is often necessary to prevent further damage to your teeth or prevent them from moving out of place.

When Is It Necessary?
Although the dentist goes above and beyond to save teeth, they may recommend an extraction when the tooth is damaged beyond repair due to injury, decay, or gum disease. Unless they pull the tooth, it threatens other healthy teeth or causes ongoing pain or infection. They may also need to pull a tooth to prepare for denture placement or make room for orthodontic treatment.
Two Types of Tooth Extractions
Tooth Extractions
Dentists perform simple extractions on visible and accessible teeth, such as broken or decayed teeth. During the procedure, they’ll use a tool called an elevator to loosen the tooth before removing it with forceps.
Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)
Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is used in many dental surgical procedures such as extractions and dental implants. PRF accelerates the healing process, decreases surgical pain and swelling. PRF also improves the strength of bone’s direct structural and functional connection to implants.
The PRF process is very simple. Two vials of blood are drawn per surgical site immediately before your dental procedure. The blood is then put into a centrifuge and separated into various layers, one being the PRF. The PRF is rich in fibrin, platelets, and growth factors. PRF is placed directly into the tooth extraction site and the implant site.
Benefits of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)
Faster Wisdom Tooth Removal and Dental Implant Healing
Decreased Swelling
Less Pain after Surgery
Accelerated Healing of Bone to Dental Implants
Improved Strength of Bone Integration to Dental Implants
Decreased Chance of Dry Socket after Tooth Extractions
Increased early Blood Supply to Tooth Extraction Site
What You Should Do Before a Tooth Extraction
Plan for Aftercare
Your dentist will give instructions on how to care for the extraction site after the procedure. These instructions typically include foods to eat and activities to avoid during recovery.
Arrange for Transportation
Since the sedatives and anesthetics used during the procedure can impair your ability to drive, you’ll need someone to take you home after your appointment.
Be Honest About Your Health History
Since many diseases can affect oral health, let your dentist know of any existing medical conditions, such as allergies, bleeding disorders, or diabetes, that may affect the extraction procedure.
Follow Pre-Operative Instructions
Follow your dentist’s instructions on what to do before your appointment, such as fasting for a certain period or taking antibiotics, to ensure a successful extraction.
Do You Need a Tooth Extraction in Phoenix, Arizona?
At All in One Benso Family Dental in Phoenix, Arizona, we strive to provide our patients with the best care possible. Schedule an appointment with us today.