Top Five Benefits To Consider For Sedative Dentistry

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April 25, 2023

Most people don't like to be at the dentist's or even hear that they need dental treatment at all. Many are very scared of the dental treatment because of the pain or other discomfort they might experience. This is known as a dental phobia. It is untrue that all dental treatments are painful and would cause so much discomfort after the treatment. Not all dental treatments are invasive. Luckily, there are ways in which dentists at All In One Benso Family can make your dental treatment a pain-free and comfortable one.Sedative dentistry is a procedure that dentists often use to enhance relaxation and reduce anxiety in dental patients during dental treatments. They administer the treatment in different ways, including inhalation, intravenous, and oral means.If you cannot stay calm or relaxed during your dental treatment, you can get sedative dentistry near you today.

What Types Of Sedative Dental Care Can I Get From The Dentist Office Near Me?

The type of sedative that you would get depends on your body system and medical records. Before a dentist can administer sedatives, they will ask you about your medical history so that they would be aware of any allergies or medical conditions that could spike up because of sedatives.Here are the different types of sedatives in dentistry:

  • Laughing Gas/Nitrous Oxide:

This type of sedative is inhaled in the appropriate quantity that the patient needs. Just as its name implies, it makes the patient happy and relaxed to the extent that they won't feel anxious about their dental treatment. Both adults and children can get nitrous oxide under the supervision of a qualified sedation dentist.The laughing gas is administered through a mask. Once the patient breathes the substance from the mask, they would feel the impact of the sedative in a few minutes. Also, the laughing gas would wear off quickly, and you would be back to your usual self. Hence, you can get to other things without worrying about being disoriented. You can drive yourself home and even get back to work if you like.Laughing gas has low risks compared to other types of sedatives. However, note that you would need different types of sedation for some dental treatments as laughing gas doesn't work so much for pain.

  • Oral Sedation:

Unlike laughing gas, oral sedation requires the intake of pills. It is also different from laughing gas because it doesn't wear off quickly. You would need to get assistance from friends or family to get home. Although the pills can make you feel sleepy or fall asleep, a gentle tap will rouse you quickly if the dentist needs your attention.

  • IV (Intravenous) Sedation:

IV sedation is the fastest type of sedation. It is administered through an IV line in the veins. The IV method will provide a stable flow of sedation during the treatment. That means the patient would remain asleep and unconscious during the whole dental procedure.Sedation dentists often advise that the patient arranges for a driver and a place to rest before getting IV sedation. Most times, the patients can have a distorted understanding for a while before the sedative wears off completely.

What Are The Benefits Of Getting Sedative Dentistry In Phoenix, AZ?

You might not know this yet, but there are various ways in which you can benefit from sedative dentistry.

  • It provides anxiety relief. The reason why some patients delay their dental treatment is because of fear and anxiety.

Many things could go wrong if a dental patient refuses to get the treatment they need; therefore, sedative dentistry is essential. That would make the patient feel calm and safe.

  • It makes patients unaware of the procedures during dental treatment. For patients with dental phobia, full remembrance of their treatment could become a terrible experience for them. The sedatives make you unaware, so you have no memory of the procedure,
  • It makes the dentist concentrate appropriately during the treatment. If the patient is screaming or crying during the treatment, the dentist can get distracted and become unable to calm or complete the treatment. Once the sedatives have been administered, the dentist can concentrate properly on the dental procedure.
  • It relieves the patient's pain. Dental procedures like tooth extraction, dental implants, or a root canal could cause severe or mild pain. Sedatives numb the pain and keep the patient safe from discomfort during treatments.
  • It helps to save more time. Since your dentist can work without distractions, the dental procedure will go smoothly and even faster. For instance, a 30 minutes dental procedure could take more than an hour if the dental patient is scared and anxious.
All in One Benso Family Dental